Morning Madonna x Garyndesign

It has been almost four years since I started Morning Madonna. While it has been a labor of love and I’m proud of what I have created, I have become a little bored and uninspired. Reviews are the bread and butter of lingerie blogging, but writing review after review can become a bit tedious. So now I am in limbo, trying to decide how the blog should move forward. I have no intention of stopping blogging or writing reviews, but I am looking to diversify Morning Madonna’s content. Not only in what I write but in what form that content takes.

Late last year, my partner and graphic designer, Garyndesign and I collaborated on a large scale project. As we had already worked together to create the vast library of images for my blog, creating a printed piece to showcase these in a tangible format seemed like a natural progression.

Thus, the Morning Madonna 2017 Overview came into existence. An 80-page passion project that contains all of the blog posts and images that I created last year. It took around four months to create, including designing and building the custom Morning Madonna font and I’m so incredibly proud of it. The book has rekindled my inspiration and my desire to create. Expect to see a lot more editorial content on the blog in the future.

Hopefully, I will be able to upload all 80 pages somewhere for everyone to see but for now, please check out some of my favourite spreads below:


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